Kelly Teichman serves as chairman of the board of the American Waterways Operators and as chairman of the board of T&T Marine in Galveston, TX. In her 20+ years with T&T Marine Salvage, Teichman has coordinated logistical support for more than 1,000 oil spill and salvage operations. She is a recognized expert in marine response documentation and contracting and has served as an incident command system planning and logistics section chief. Teichman is actively involved in industry associations, including the Waterways Council, American Waterways Operators, and the Gulf Intracoastal Canal Association (GICA), where she serves on the board of directors as well as on the GICA Response Team. She is also a member of the U.S. Coast Guard Houston-Galveston Port Coordination Team as well as the Galveston and New Orleans District USACE Navigation Restoration Team. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in History with an English minor from Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas.